A Perfect Circle
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Robs session: Personal Interpretation
We got into groups of 4 and Rob gave us a task of looking at 2 different set of games one was called the beach and the other was the perfect circle. the perfect circle we had to create a circle we thought that was perfect by taking turns but it didnt say when to stop. The beach game we had to create a crowded space with placing dots on the paper and decide when to stop. Following these instructions to create the pieces below. This linked in with the other book i read about a piece of work being open. with the instructions we all interpreted the instructions in our own way and maybe added some more rules to follow by, and even though we all had the same task our outcomes looked completely different. Therefore this task was open but also closed as a set of instructions was already given the interpretation was the openess aspect of the mini project.
The Beach
A Perfect Circle
A Perfect Circle