Tuesday, 27 October 2015

After Effects: street handstand

Street Handstand from louise fielding on Vimeo.

Recap on rotoscoping:
It is a tracing effect process that is used to create an animation, it's when a foreground figure is taken out of its original background and imposed onto another one. The process involves tracing around the figure frame by frame until you have enough frames to create a smooth looking animation.

Some reasons to use this technique:
- It is more of a technical process which may appeal to some people as it's another way to animate and experiment with footage. 
- On the other hand some may hate the time taken to create the end result, but they may like the aesthetic that is produced which may influence them in deciding to use this process. 

I had to chose a second worth of moving image and then to get it to loop i had tp use the stretch tool which is shown below. 

 I had to check theat on the preferences the 4th or 5th one down was ticked off. 

 I made keyframes at the start and end of the footage i selected, on the time remap setting.



 The picture beow shows that i used the pen to go round the person i videoed and i had to do this at a certain keyframe, and then adjust the lines to fit around the body at each key frame i made


I pressed on the little play button next to the time remap expression thing and then clicked property and clicked the loopout duration this was to make the 1 second worth of footage to loop for the whole video.

If we wnted to we could make the thing we cut out with the pen tool into a certain colour and to do this all you had to do was create a new layer as a solid. Then change the the setting of the sold layer to alph matte roto. This is shown below.

Then i imported my illustrator file i created for the background.