Ian from designers Republic
First project for design company was a band album cover design called age of chance. They produce a lot of work for architecture called 3D-2D, they were interested in the difference between 2D and 3D and how architecture can be influential and inspiring. Then they did aim low and miss, it's a project to show that failure isn't a bad thing, it could be turned into something great. Au techre was a music company the design Republic have worked with and created these pieces to celebrate that and the way it's done it's to show the future of music and design so it's suppose to infer a techno style of music with the typography and the colours.
The people's bureau, the bands they worked for they did a lot of merchandise for and one of the things that inspires them is consumerism and so they decided to make there own merchandise and set up an online shop and they just did it to see what the response would be like. And it became successful and then they decided to open up a shop in Tokyo.
Coca cola, they called the design Republic to do a job for them and work on a project which would help coca cola revisit the past of like the 60's and 70's, in 80's it became more about marketing and making as much money as they could and they had no equity with the brand anymore and to build that back they wanted to do this project.
They produced a pice of work called echo city, which was part of a competition. It was information about Sheffield and why the deign Republic love Sheffield city. So it's about how in the war architects echoed the city with light in moorlands so German bombers would get confused.
They produced sissy for a cover of an emigre magazine which used lots of layers and things from the city, sissy was a character which was a little girl with a baseball bat.
They produced a an exhibit in Japan which looks awesome and on every wall there was a piece of work. And it was blown up rearlly big to fill each wall and it looks awesome.