Tuesday, 13 October 2015

After effects: loops and living holds

Loops and Living Holds Workshop from louise fielding on Vimeo.

I created this video in after effects, it was to learn how to do loop and living holes to animate a character.

1) we designe our character in illustrator, and did each thing we wanted to move on a seperate layer. 

2) we imported this illustrator file into after effects and then we statred to animate

 3) we used the tools at the side of each layer in the bottom left corner to animate. We put a stopwatch thing at the start and one at the end so the position of something moving would return to its original position and then we plotted different times of when we wanted the layer selected to move within thos two stop watches.

4) we learned how to use the wriggler tool too which is on the menu on right hand corner and we set it to a certain pace and angle of movement.

5) we then added a few textures in the background and bobs your uncle a qick animation demnstrating basic skills.