Cinema spills out into the world, Johnny hardstaff website he is a designer/ director/ animator, he also has a massive range of activities going on and also engages in every aspect of work such as talks, lectures, producing work. He sees himself as a TV film maker but is funded by TV advertising, this funds all of his other work. Advertising is seen as realism and professionalism which is a great start for a designer.
He is really interested in cgi work in an animated context which gives you the aim to make the most realistic results you can find in the high end quality advertising Industry. He said its the style of advertising that's focused on the small every day moments and its a move towards a calmer and quieter start of advertising. What advertising had become interested is almost creating a child like experience with photo realism and cgi. For example the Sony brava and the Orange advert shows this concept.
An important point made by Johnny hardstaff wants people to know that Through cgi you can take people's experiences from them, and that the advertising is too busy and loud.
On some work the advertising company has said to take out certain shots because they were too beautiful because it cimtradicted the realism wanting to be shown as some things were created so perfectly that people would not be possible to experience.
Tom gunning, Norman Klein and lev Manovich: key animation theorists
They are in agree,met with hardstaff, Manovich inverts the hierarchy and today you have to start thinking of film as a subset of animation, the thinge draws attention to is that the early devices are all hand painted and a short loop of animation so before cinema there was animation and later there's an opposition of animation and cinema. Animation is an illusion and film is a complete accurate representation. Cinema claims to realism but cgi changes this idea. Norman Klein has a book the Vatican to Vegas and he thinks special effects links to the idea of a scripted space, a scripted space is a designed environment. Tom gunning wrote a book called the cinema of attractions and it informs of the other positions already mentioned, he does a history of optical devices and see it as technology as a controlling behaviour.
What is graphic design for? Alice temlow
It's a type of language, design is for selling for political agendas and it's about critiquing this and helping people to comprehend data. It can be about atmospher of a film, or a simple instruction like a road sign. Graphic design is pervasive, it is everything.
Local tendencies: A free lancer is a post modernistic way of working, and how each work can be so specific. Designer has multiple roles and these roles can merge and this is how design spirals out. Design can function as a protest, can voice in political terms often in comedic ways. For example banksy.