Monday, 7 March 2016

Sarah Lucas: penetralia

two fried eggs and a kebab 1992 - idea of being true to materials your using onald Jude and industrial materials.

Truth to material associated with Henry Moore and the movement in 1930 is in the Yorkshire part of history.

Lucas the pleasure principle: it is a beautiful piece of sculpture and used very economically and you can compare it to Tracy emins my bed which is where it has had nothing done to change the look of it or a weird sculpture wasn't formed it was a literal translation.

Lucas priere de toucher shows she is aware of surrealism and she is indebted to some of these works.

In her penetralia exhibit she looks at the way she takes on British surrealism, she would plaster casts of things on wooden platforms, we argue the arrival of this exhibition should be recognised as a logical development because it engages with a movement in British art. The poster for the exhibition is provocative and takes on notion of object personage and sense of fertility of land, looks like Nash photos. It tries to literalise things and throw insults back at the audience, making it funny to try and give it a new life.