Maureen Furnish Issues of Representation in Animation Aesthetics.
Sean griffin the illusion of identity gender and racial representation in Aladdin in Maureen furniss' animation.There is two sides there's representation in animation theory and animation industry and animation content, the animators themselves have not been recognised and been really represented as much through history compared to male animators. In the early history of animation 20's to 40's there was no one really the represented women animators that was a main contributor to the industry the only exception is lotte reigner and Mary Ellen bite closer to the end of the war. These were rare female presence in the industry. A number of others operated under pseudonyms/initials e.g. Mj winkler productions by Margaret winkler. More female presence tends to pick up a lot more in the 1990's.
Females operating at big company's such as Disney and Cartoon Network and others but usually in a managerial position ususually in the production of the shows but not the designers/animators.
Many of the core animation theorists are mainly women and they include Jayne pilling and Esther Leslie.