Monday, 7 December 2015

Project considerations

Client- place in economy,
            government attitude- regulations, 
            financial strength of firm, 
            true market standing, 
            intent of project.

Designer- capability firm, 
                 capability of designer(s), 
                 risk understanding, 
                 project management abilities, 
                 financial strength, 
                 ethics and attitude, 
                 other work.

IP intellectual property 
IPR intellectual property rights

People own what they create, how do you protect yourself? 

Patents- they must be new, technically new, how things work, how they are made, what they are made from, technical contribution. Protection can be long as 16 years can be costly to implement and acquire.

Trade mark- a sign that distinguishes your good/ services from your competitors.

Copyright- automatic protection covering anything written or performed, issue is proof of originality.

Design right- the way an object looks, similar to copyright, it is automatic, and similarly, the key issue is proof or originality. pre patent registration is £25
                            Design right registration £50
                            Copyright registration £50 

Charge the client if you protect your image and the value of art changes.

Liaise with your client, undertake work, complete work deliver to client, receive receipt, send invoice, payment complete.

Keep the client engaged in your desgns so they are less likely to dislike it.Always get a receipt and record delivery. Be prompt with invoicing p, ensure you put on the invoice order number, client contact, date of commission, date of delivery.only supply the total cost! Do not break it down.

Invoice issues, invoice received, into payments process, monthly cheque run, payment sent. Delays will occur- expect it. 

Research into the contacts jobs/company's/ lives. Make sure your up to date on news.