Monday, 7 December 2015

Corporeal text-time, Aesthetics and composition

Were always encouraged to have a question to answer in an essay and in an experimental way we would have a hypothesis, instead of a question if we thought about a problem we are interested in then we can discuss the problem in a number of ways and doesn't imply there is a correct answer or a direct solution.

Vs pierce Whois a philosopher of science historically enthusiasm that hypothesis strategy is a largely creative process as to think of the problem and infer from this your own interpretation and to take this a create a solution. If there's in abduction (an anomaly) is also a semiotic sign and then they enable you to construct these hypothesis to counteract this problem.

In cultural studies/ humanities, there are humanities version of design. There is an emphasis upon meaning production for example. Deleuze quoted "explore the intensities of a situation" this means deleuze meant you can get lost in research and to get around this you test your research out. People are often changed through this process.

The process of painting and writing can be similar sometimes and as a reader of a written piece, you are unaware of how the essay has changed while it was being written, you only see the end product.