Research: JWT 100 future trends
Everything Is Retail (from 10 Trends for 2013): Anything and everything will be a retail channel as mobile connectivity unites the digital and physical worlds, and brands find ways to merge discovery and purchase opportunities.
Food as the New Eco-Issue (10 Trends for 2012):“Sustainable” is becoming a new buzzword in food as today’s educated eater comes to better understand how food choices affect the environment and what consumers, brands and governments can do to drive positive change.
Mobile Device as the Everything Hub (10 Trends for 2009):
Mobile phones are truly an “everything hub” as more things get digitized or connected and as people take to the smaller screen to watch video, spend, shop, track their health, learn, play and more.
Going Private in Public (10 Trends for 2013): With privacy increasingly elusive, people are struggling with how to maintain a vibrant digital identity.
Buying the Experience (10 Trends for 2007): As the desire to “do” rather than “have” deepens, consumers are seeking ever more novel, shareable and amplified experiences.
De-teching (10 Trends for 2011): As people grapple with tech’s role in their lives, there’s a sense that the negative effects will outweigh the positive if we don’t find ways to use it more mindfully.
Personalization (10 Trends for 2013): Big Data analysis, artificial intelligence and other new technologies are creating novel ways to anticipate and cater to individual needs.
Queen Trumps King (10 Trends for 2008): Women are moving ahead as gender dynamics change rapidly in the home, the workplace and culture, and as determination strengthens across genders to engineer greater equality.
Retooling for an Aging World (10 Trends for 2010): The full impact of the demographic shift from young to old has yet to be felt: Brands will need to do much more to adapt for older consumers—a cohort that’s rebranding aging altogether.
Cooperative Consumption (10 Trends for 2008): The sharing economy has grown up, while also giving rise to a backlash. Although this new business model is a serious threat to some brands, others are finding creative ways to tap into it.